Flying Creatures Like Pterosaurs Kongamato Pterodactyl Unmasking a Flying Predator in Texas “The kongamato is sometimes compared with the ropen of Papua New Guinea or the long-tailed pterosaur seen in Eastern Cuba . . . This kind of cryptid has been reported in many parts of the world, including North America, Australia, Europe, and Africa . . . “The sighting by Duane Hodgkinson was a significant distance from the coast. The giant flying creature was nowhere near any water. Two men . . . saw the “pterodactyl” running with its feet just before it took off into the air. It then flew over the jungle canopy, reappearing soon afterwards to fly over- head in the opposite direction.” “ . . . when one of the bioluminescent predators has been glowing for awhile, . . . it will be joined by another of its kind, which will then turn on its own glow. After insects have been attracted to that area, the two creatures will separate, which appears to distant human observers to be one light splitting into two. The predators will fly away from each other for some distance, then turn back and fly together. During the separation, bats may begin feeding on the concentration of insects . . .” Searching for Dragons “Several American cryptozoologists explored Umboi Island . . . from 1994 through 2002, searching for the ropen. The author, Jonathan Whitcomb believes that they were correct in believing the flying creature to be a pterosaur. According to the second edition of his book (”Searching for Ropens”) there are many similarities between the American, Australian, and native eyewitness accounts. . . . featherless with long tails, and they sometimes eat fish.” When an eyewitness reports observing a live pterodactyl or pterosaur, why automatically dismiss the possibility that at least one species of pterosaur has survived and lives in modern times? Nonfiction Cryptozoology Book on Dragons “We live in a world in which modern Westerners, at least many respectable or respected ones, have believed all magical dragons to be only legendary and all pterosaurs to be extinct and even more ancient . . . many natives, whom we had assumed more primitive or less gifted than us, have believed all dragons to be real and either magical or spiritually gifted. In some areas, they believe dragons to be both ancient and modern. What if all of us have been only partially correct? What if dragons are not so much ancient as modern, not so much magical as physically gifted, not so much legendary as real?” Second edition of the cryptozoology book “Live Pterosaurs in America A missile defense physicist, Cliff Paiva, analyzed the two lights that Paul Nation videotaped deep in the interior of the mainland of Papua New Guinea, late in 2006. They were not from any airplane, camp fires, flashlights, car headlights, or any other common source. Copyrigh 2011 Jonathan Whitcomb